Episode 16
"Is Quiet Time Wasted Time?"
by Erika Alicea

Welcome Friend!

With all that is expected of us as mothers on a daily basis, is time with God wasted time?

Join me as I share what God spoke to my heart on the necessity of my quiet time with Him and the impact it had on my child (or what I was modeling for my child).

For the King and His kids,

Erika Alicea

Charlotte Mason City Living

Quotes & Notes

“A hundred times a day our thoughts turn Godward in penitence, in desire, in fear, in aspiration, and — this is a truly delightful thought — in sympathy.  Our hearts glow with delight at the blue of a gentian, the glory of a star, the grace of some goodness that we get news of: we lift up our hearts unto the Lord, though without a word; and the throb is one of sympathy, for we know that His delight, also, is in beauty and goodness. These continual movements of the soul Godward hardly seem to us to be prayer, but they meet with response. We cry in fear, and hope is spoken to us; in penitence, and we breathe peace; in sympathy, and we expand in love. These are the answers of our ‘Almighty Lover’ to the dull, uncertain movements of our poor hearts.” ~Charlotte Mason (v. 4, p. 188)

“We must give ourselves time to pray and times of prayer; rising early in the morning, we must seek our God and lay our day before Him, with its fears, hopes, and desires, in reverent attitude and with attentive mind.” Charlotte Mason (Vol 4, pg. 189)

 “A friend once told me that if you don’t have a time and place to pray, it won’t happen, and I think he was right. Having a set time and place or an appointment on the calendar helps in making our prayer life more consistent. Sometimes when God wants to take us ‘a little further,’ He calls us to change not the length of our prayer time but the consistency of it.” Tauren Wells,  “When We Pray”


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Meet Mariana, our gentle and generous, researching whirlwind who can chat all day about bringing the Gospel to the home through Miss Mason’s philosophy and methods...​


When Simone enters the room, the kindness level skyrockets. She has a HUGE heart and will ALWAYS find beauty in anything, anyone, and every situation...


We’d like to introduce you to our always-primed-to-help, wears-her-heart-on-her-sleeve, Gifted Encourager, Erika. She's a former public school teacher turned homeschooling mama...

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