Episode 12
Foreign Languages in our
Multicultural Homes with
Celeste Cruz from "Joyous Lessons" blog

Welcome Friend!
As we continue with our “Foreign Languages in our Multicultural Homes” series, in this episode Mariana chats with Celeste Cruz from “Joyous Lessons”.
Celeste is the mama to 10 beautiful children, a former English teacher turned into homeschool-mom; a Charlotte Mason devotee; a regular speaker at CM conferences and a team member of the Charlotte Mason Educational Center (CMEC).
Her blog, “Joyous Lessons“, is a treasure trove that she keeps as an “educational notebook of sorts”. Celeste wrote a wonderful blog series on Miss Mason’s thoughts on foreign languages study for young elementary students that is full of practical help.
Enjoy as Celeste shares her journey and discoveries on how to teach foreign languages the Charlotte Mason way.
We invite you to join the conversation with any questions or comments. We look forward to hearing from you!
For the King and His kids,
Mariana, Simone, Erika & Min
Quotes & Notes
“It is the duty of the nation to maintain relations of brotherly kindness with other nations; therefore it is the duty of every family, as an integral part of the nation, to be able to hold brotherly speech with the families of other nations as opportunities arise; therefore to acquire the speech of neighbouring nations is not only to secure an inlet of knowledge and a means of culture, but is a duty of that higher morality (the morality of the family) which aims at universal brotherhood; therefore every family would do well to cultivate two languages besides the mother tongue, even in the nursery.” ~Charlotte Mason (v. 2, p. 7)
“But the aim with regard to the average pupil … should really be to prepare the mind carefully so that when the time comes for leaving school, it goes of its own accord to study what the foreign nation itself values as its best inheritance. And this voluntary study can only be expected when a real interest has been kindled …” ~Modern Languages by G.L.F, Volume 15
“Without perplexities we cannot progress and as our child grows our perplexities increase, and with the growth of the capabilities of the mind of the child the range of our interests as exemplified by his increases also. We share new and astonishing discoveries, we learn new ways and methods of spending our leisure moments together and there still seems to be time for the ever-increasing number of interests which take so active a part in our lives … In Hebrew the meaning of the word child is closely connected with the word builder and it is a pleasing thought to me that the child helps to build up his parents’ life, he brings to them new experiences, new thoughts, and thus causes them to enlarge their sphere of interests.” ~The PNEU at Home by Mrs. Roscoe, Volume 43
Learning Languages the Charlotte Mason Way Blog Series
Foreign Language in the Homeschool: Making a Skype Tutor Work for You!
Where to find Celeste
Where to Find Us
Mariana Mastracchio
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