
Our newest co-host, but not new to homeschooling within a CM education, LaShawne is a breath of fresh air with a wealth of love and wisdom to share.

LaShawne is a former Navy Pediatrician turned Navy Wife and Full Time Home Educator. Prior to having children, she and her husband loved traveling to different locations and cultures inside and outside the United States, and they have truly cherished the opportunity to continue the same as parents to their three blessings.

First beginning her home education journey with the Montessori philosophy when her oldest was still a toddler, LaShawne was later introduced to Charlotte Mason by a close friend, and fell in love with its foundation in the Gospel of Christ.

LaShawne truly loves spreading the feast of ideas found in the Charlotte Mason method within her home and with other families as the philosophy touches not only the “three R’s” (reading, writing & arithmetic), but all of life.

In her down time, or “mama time” as she calls it, LaShawne loves reading a selection from her ever-growing “to be read” list of books, studying the CM method, trying to learn the piano, or taking a peaceful walk to get acquainted with the surrounding flora and fauna of her most recent home in Southern Maryland.

You can find LaShawne at Life-Giving Motherhood Memberhip, where she serves as the Community Manager and a dedicated moderator.