Episode 35:
CM Sunday School
with Teacher Damion Sanders

Welcome Friend!

It is an absolute pleasure to introduce you to one of the gems at Elements Church 
 where Erika serves as Children’s Ministry Director: Damion Sanders.

Damion is one of the leaders at Elements, serving in just about every ministry they have. In particular, Dame is part of the worship team, in which he worships through song and rap. He preaches periodically and is also a Sunday School teacher. Although Elements is not a big church, they always say they’re small but mighty, and Dame is a huge part of that “mighty” factor.

We pray you’re encouraged as you hear Damion’s story of how a Charlotte Mason education
has changed his entire way of thinking as both father and Sunday School teacher.
Damion teaching Sunday School

Quotes & Notes

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'” (Matthew 19:14 )
Resources Mentioned
Where to Find Damion

Where to Find Us


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