"The Many Beautiful Faces of CM Mamas Series"
Episode 26: Traditional Schooling & Miss Mason
with Marina Mason

Welcome Friend!
Welcome back to our “Many Faces of CM Mamas” series!
In this episode, Erika speaks to a mama who demonstrates that the Charlotte Mason philosophy is not just for homeschoolers.
Marina Mason is an educator in a public school in the South Bronx, which is one of the poorest districts in the United States. In addition, Marina is the worship leader at Erika’s church, alongside her husband, Randy, who’s the associate pastor at Elements Church She’s part of their leadership as well as one of their Sunday School teachers.
On top of all of these ministries, Marina is also a mama of 6, doing her best to implement Miss Mason’s philosophy with her traditionally schooled children. Her friendship and encouragement are such a blessing in Erika’s life, and we pray the same will happen with you, friend, as you get to know Marina in today’s episode.
Quotes & Notes
“Principle #1: Children are born persons.
Principle #9: We hold that the child’s mind is no mere sac to hold ideas; but is rather, if the figure may be allowed, a spiritual organism, with an appetite for all knowledge. This is its proper diet, with which it is prepared to deal; and which it can digest and assimilate as the body does foodstuffs.
Principle #15. A single reading is insisted on, because children have naturally great power of attention; but this force is dissipated by the re-reading of passages, and also, by questioning, summarising. and the like.”
~Charlotte Mason (v. 6)
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