September 2021

Episode 33: CM Sunday School – Min’s Journey

Episode 33: Intro to a Charlotte Mason Sunday School with Min Hwang Welcome Friend! Join our own Min Hwang as she shares the “what” and “how” of her church’s Children’s Sunday School hour.  In addition, she answers a few of the frequently asked questions that have been posed to her over the last several years. […]

Episode 33: CM Sunday School – Min’s Journey Read More »

Episode 32: Welcome Back! Introducing our New Co-host!

Episode 32: Welcome Back! Introducing Our New Co-Host! Welcome Friend! Welcome back, dear sister! We’re so happy to be with you for Season 2 of the Charlotte Mason for All Podcast!   AND..we’re super excited to introduce our new co-cost, LaShawne Thomas!! LaShawne is a former Navy Pediatrician turned Navy wife and full-time home-educator.  She truly loves

Episode 32: Welcome Back! Introducing our New Co-host! Read More »